Monday, May 3, 2010

Hw 52-Initial Theories of Human Relationships.

I believe that in our human relationships we tend to do things based on the way each us act to words each other. All instinces are based on what we do and what we say to one another during the interactions that we have in every day life. I believe that we as humans tend to always have a longing for human contact and we need this to stay sane, thats just a need that is set into stone for us. But to further break things down is very complex when you come to think of it. We have so many tendencies to do things some subconsciously and consciously and we have these things that are done by us in these ways because as we start out from birth and grow into adults our families teach us values and morals that we are basically brainwashed to follow.

What I exactly saying is that from babies we are taught certain things in certain ways and we usually chose to follow these things in the way we do because thats the things that we look up to when were young. Just think about when you were a child didn't you follow what your mother and father told you and think that it was the right way. I'm sure you wanted to be just like your mother or just like your father when you were younger and ever still for some people now a days when they are older. Im saying that the first things that are taught to you and dictated to you when you are a child are the things that you will most likely follow for the rest of your life. Yes of course your way of thinking and perceiving different things will change and mold into a more advanced sense but your basic morals and values will stay unchanged or similar to what we were made after a few years after our birth to think.

Some people are taught at a young age to hate and not accept any other type of person, this process effects the individual in the future to have the values of a racist and not except these certain types of cultures of people whom aren't their own. And these values stay with you through out the persons entire life, so basically my point here is that your family is the biggest factor that decides your morals and values from birth. So it's usually never the child's choice whom decides what he will actually turn out to think and act in the future unless the child can learn different when he or she grows up and sees that what they grew up with was socially acceptable and logical in the child's standards. Usually in the future when the child grows up he or she will usually either be extremely brainwashed or realize that what he grew with was wrong and independently change his values and morals because his perspective on what he learned in from his childhood has confirmed as wrong, if it was indeed bad.

As well I feel that there some human values that I believe are naturally worked into our heads that aren't even taught to us through our lives, its just learned naturally. I feel that the value of preserving human life is a value that we naturally learn form birth as well for the value of caring for other humans. But with me saying this there are some people out of all of us whom decided to not follow these rules, naturally they know the rules but just chose not to obey them for certain reasons. Maybe it's because they just chose not to care or just enjoy the idea of hurting others and seeing others being hurt. These type of people are in my opinion the lost people in our society. These people whom have no care for human life are the fail sorts of people whom either feel the need to hurt others because they were never taught to care or were never cared for themselves when they were children. In my opinion these people should either be annihilated from society or be treated so our society can be safer in the future.

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