Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Peoples thoughts and opinion about Digitalization. HW#7

Peoples thoughts and opinion about Digitalization. HW#7 

Female Traffic Cop passing by on 25th street: "Personally I feel that the topic of Digitalization and the advancement of technology makes people lazy and anti social because my husband is on his Xbox all hours of the day."
Male Businessman passing by on 25th street: "I think that the advancement of digitalization in this era is absolutely useful in helping people advance their own lives and our future generations. It keeps the public informed by speeding up the sharing of information which is quick and accurate, and as well we use it to defend our country."
My Mother at the House: "Digitalization is one more way to streamline information coming in and going out, its all about shortcuts, welcome to the 21st century. It's got it's pros and cons but when used wisely it's also amazing."
My good friend Ricky: "Like anything it has both it's positive and negative effects. It's lead to the Globalization which has lead to the advancement of communication on a world scale. Also it has lead to a source of distraction for many adolescents."

Monday, September 21, 2009

HW#5 Comment (Second One)

HW#5 Comment (Second One)

Devin, First I would like to say that I appreciate your feel comments on my topic about Digitalization regarding the use of Facebook. Now what I especially found helpful in your comment is that you actually told me what was helpful to you in the first place. When you told me this I could in a way further understand my own point about what really inspires people to use Facebook and what reasons they choose use there time on the site. And I would like to thank you for backing up my reasoning on how some people use Facebook to impress others then rather use it themselves for as form of communication between friends. But to go further into your use of Facebook if you use it, may I ask you what type of person do you believe you are? Someone who goes on to impress others and impersonate others or someone who actually goes on to make casual conversation between friends and be real and your actual true self on Facebook? On the other hand your comments gave me insight on how to formulate my thoughts a little better because as you were agreeing with me I thought of more complicated ways to explain my thoughts and ideas on the topic of Digitalization regarding the use Facebook. As well I think that your thoughts on AIM and hows it can be both a good and bad thing for some people is the same or yet similar because as you explain how bullies and nervous teens use AIM to bully other kids and mack on girls , in retrospect Facebook can be used in the exact same ways. If you break it down Facebook is like a more modern version of AIM, besides just direct communication between friends and family Facebook gives you direct links to any and everybody you might know, would want to know and maybe even be smart enough to connect you to people you use to know. To end this my thoughts on your comment I have no further questions or issues to discuss here besides the questions I stated earlier in my writing here and a suggestion that we should continue these comments to one another because I feel they can help us both understand and formulate our thoughts about Digitalization and other topics we wish to dwell upon in the future.
-Brendan S.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW#4 Comment

I liked how you were honest as you explained how you were taking your online communications for granted and actually forgot that you really had people who are your friends that you could hang out with. As you were saying if you get to involved in the many online communication sources between friends you actually forget you have friends, this is a bad thing and I agree that you have a right to be mad about it if people do this. In reference to your situation here that you discuss in your post I myself can't really connect because I personally know and never forget that I have friends to chill with because if I talk to them everyday how could I forget that they are my friends? I feel that you could further your thoughts here by expanding what actually made you forget you had friends. Explain what exactly made your mind blank out the people you are talking too and expand on why you think you did this. In reflection to my own life here I can consider you and myself forgetting some friends that I might not have seen in a while, but I can't possibly see you or me actually forgetting the people we talk too everyday, I just plainly don't understand what came over you. We can talk about this in person in school which I wold like to, AI will ask you some questions about what happened in our next class.
-Brendan S.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

HW # 3 Questions and Theory of Digitalization

Questions and Theory of Digitalization

What is the reason for facebook in general? Why do people feel the need to get on their computer go to their profile and chat, update, and friend request all day long? Why even create a profile about yourself and your life and what you do in the first place? What does it really accomplish, what do you as a person gain from having and interacting with your personal profile in general? Why do so many people have a profile on facebook and go on it every day for hours at a time?What compels people to sit on their ass all day on the computer and talk and gossip about other people and them selves?

Maybe it's because people want to feel that they are important in life and feel good about themselves that's why they create these profiles. Or maybe people just like what just going online talking to their friends, making plans, and trying to hook up. Rather then trying to be something their not on their profiles and not there own person. Maybe as the people whom try to be something there not in there profiles retrospect spend alot more time on facebook attempting to feel good about themselves in the process. Where they basically create or in a way try to be somebody their not,the complete opposite of being independent and being their own true person.

And on the other hand maybe the people whom just go on their profiles who are there true selves and there own person spend less time on facebook because all they are doing in making casual conversation and planning amongst themselves and friends. Here these people who are independent and do think for themselves and have created there profiles based on their true selves,unlike the others who impersonate others. In conclusion besides the fact that people who make profiles are real or fake overall, I feel that we being as adults old and young and children are learning very much about the technology of digitalization from using facebook. These are my thoughts, questions and theories on this specific part of digitalization called facebook.
