Sunday, February 21, 2010

HW 40-School Interviews x 3 & Synthesis (Part A & B)

Part A:
Question #1: If you had the power to change your school in any way possible for the better in what way would you change it?
Person being asked this question: "Katy" who was a college girl from Texas but lives in Idaho whom I met on my vacation to Los Cabos, Mexico.
She answered: "Hmmm. Well first off I would change the whole approach that are teachers have to words us as students, they treat us like assembly line workers in a way. I mean like a every other class at the end of the week we have to hand in our assignments and don't even get to talk to our teachers about the work we've done. So really to answer your question I would change my college in a better way by giving the teachers more time or maybe assigned time to talk and discuss our assignments so that we can maybe get a little pre feed back before we actually need to hand in our work. You know what I mean? So here.... like ok... an example could be like if I don't understand the assignment for my Culinary Arts and I want to be able to talk to my teacher after the class is dismissed I should be able to, because I would make a change for all teachers to have a sort of short clarification period after each of their classes. Did that answer you question?"

Question #2: How has your experience of being a student changed over the years as you go on through the last remaining years of High school?
Person being asked this question: "Myself"
I answered: "My experience probably for the most part has changed not so dramatically in referance to my last 4 to 5 years of schooling. What I'm here is that since like 7th grade my entire social atmosphere and experiences changed from a sort of kid mode to a young adult mode. All of my interactions to words academic work, my social status and social experiences began pretty much after the start of that specific grade. But as for the years that began and finished after that the experiences and academic work only increased to a greater extent. So I guess I would say that as you schooling increases everything else that becomes a new to you in your early middle schooling period of life and then on to high school and most likely college. As well once again just to clarify the things I'm referring to increase over these years of our lives are a broader social status, personal experiences increasing with the opposite sex, and academic work increasing in the level of difficulty as you go on through school."

Question #3: In your own opinion do you believe that school is a sort of sorting machine that sets in stone students own future's?
Person being asked this question: "Ariella" My ex-girlfriend.
She answered: "Umm, okay well I kinda, I think that a schools reputation creates it's atmosphere. Like... If the school is considered one of the bests the students that go there know what's expected of them, so they work harder, so then the schools graduates all have similar futures. There are always exceptions but the majority of the kids that go to like an upper class/private school will have relatively similar future's. Does that make sense? I mean thats pretty much it... most people act the way others around them do, it's just how we are. And so if your put in a place where people are successful most likely your gonna mimic that and work harder. (Then I asked a secondary question:So as well your saying the same thing goes for the students in an unsuccessful atmospheres in low income schools?), Yea it's just like they are put in an enviorment with the kids that don't give a shit and the school doesn't either. So yea of course there will be exceptions, that tolken kid that gets out of the ghetto and that rich kid that screws up. But mostly thay are going to have they are going to have the futures that those around them have. In a low income situation the schools don't put the same importance on things that schools that cost 30 thousand a year do."

Part B:
Since I could only get internet on my vacation by the end of it I was only able to get one persons reaction from my time in mexico and then i decided talk to my ex girlfriend and ask myself a question to give me a total of three interviews. Through out all of my interviews I noticed that my questions gave back good responses that for the most part broke down all of the important aspects of the questions that I created and asked. Being that Katy is in college and done with high school I believe she gave a more experienced response because of her college as well. I say this because during the interview she gave suggestions on how to make better schooling comparing how the teachers treat the students through out school for her. And El and I gave sort of less experienced responses to words our questions by discussing the sorting machine and developing experiences that students go through. Now I'm not saying that our responses were worse its just that Katy is going through the next level of schooling and there fore has a better comprehension and can pin point flaws in our schooling system better than we can.

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