Sunday, December 6, 2009

HW # 28 - Informal Research - Internet, Magazines, and TV Shows

5 sources of "cool" to me.
My Father- "MARINES THE FEW. THE PROUD.." AMERICA'S FEW. ©2009 U.S. MARINE CORPS, Web. 8 Dec 2009. .
My Brother- Pastore, Gregg. "SUNYAC Online." SUNYAC Men's Lacrosse Players of the Week. SUNYAC SID, Web. 8 Dec 2009. .
College- "MARITIME COLLEGE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK."APPLY ONLINE. ©2009 SUNY Maritime College, Web. 8 Dec 2009. .
Soccer- "THE OFFICIAL SITE OF MARITIME COLLEGE ATHLETICS."MARITIME COLLEGE ATHLETICS. Copyright � 2003-2009, SUNY Maritime College., Web. 8 Dec 2009. .
House Music- "Tiësto." inthe booth. © 2005, Web. 8 Dec 2009. .

I decided to do this my own way because it seemed like an easier way of explaining to you the things that I actually think is cool to me in my own personal aspects of my life. The first thing that probably has the biggest influence of cool on me is my Father so since I can't really cite my Father I cited a United States Marine Corps website. I did this because my Father in his earlier years was a marine himself leading his very own fire-team in the Vietnam war during the years of 1967-1968 and I'am extremely proud of that. I see my pops as an idol whom i want to be like when I get older and progress successfully in life. Just as he was I too want to be a reacon marine and have the responsibility of leading some of the most prestigious and elite man powers in our country.I'm saying this because my Father is the drive that creates me to want to strive to do make this possible in my near future. Now for my brother I cited his player of the week article because I felt it was cool that he even got one because to become a player of the week is pretty hard. As well I see my brother as a role model just as my Father and when I go to college I want to get the player of the week too for Soccer. So as I grew up seeing and hearing about my brother getting these write up and playing Lacrosse it made me think that one day I too want to accomplish this for myself in my own way of being cool for instance for my sport soccer. So thats why I cited my brothers player of the week articles because I think that they are cool and maybe that one day when I get to college that I could also get player of the week a few times along my four years that I will be attending college. Now I also cited Maritime College State University of New York because since I want to join the Marine Corps this college would be a cool college to attend since it will prepare me for the Marines. As well it is also a great college that has been on the list of "Best Colleges of 2010" in the "U.S. News Magazine" as for many other companies that promoted the school. But I didn't even know this till I actually went to the site and got some information about the school and it turned out that I liked what I say and thought it was cool to go there based on the things that I want to do in my life. Now I also cited the Maritime College site again Because I thought it was cool to plan that if I actually get into Maritime to try to get onto there College Soccer team because I've been playing soccer in high school and since I can remember from birth. Since I thought that the school was cool I thought why not the schools soccer team too?AND that why I added that citation for the reason of it being significantly cool to me in the future. Now finally to get to the citation about my favorite House music Dj, Dj Tiësto. I obviously find him col because he composes music that my brother and me love , and I mention my brother because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't even know of this Dj. So i wouldn't even think he was cool if my brother never showed him to me. As well this citation kind of adds to the citation of my brothers because basically everything that my brother thinks is cool I do.And lastly I feel that it's like this with everyone's families because we see our elders as role models to look up too and follow to become similar to but in a way as we are trying to be like them we have a tendency to strive to be alike but better in a way than them in the end of our lives. These are just some thoughts I have on this aspect of coolness and the way we take it in from our families.

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