Sunday, December 13, 2009

HW # 29 - Merchants of Cool

Essential Question: Is it evil for the corporations to manipulate the minds of young people for the sake of profit?

Well what I believe is evil is the fact how these kids find themselves buying into these corporate vampires organizations in the first place. What these kids don't see is thats its a power struggle between these organizations to see who can influence the most teens. While the kids blindly buy into the corporate empire they continue to profit no matter what the circumstance. It's just plain out wrong how this process works in our world today, I can't help but feel sympathy for all of the teens whom have fallen for this mindless degrading scheme. This is what I find truly evil that these kids get themselves involved with these corporations just trying to be cool.

They are basically prey for these organizations it's just sad how this cycle in our society works. An example of this :"Girls are taught (by Britney Spears type media) to flaunt their sexuality even though they don't understand it yet." Here is a great example of what I'm trying to say. As these kids are struggling to be cool, once they actually find a way to accomplish that they never are really able to because they really don't even know what they are doing because they don't have a clear reason for why they are doing it. This is exactly what I find evil that these kids spend their money aimlessly on these stupid items that make them even less cool them they previously were and the corporate businesses profit off these teens foolishness, and thats whats truly evil in my perspective.

In conclusion I feel that it is evil for the corporations to manipulate the minds of young people for the sake of profit because these kids today are just confused and don't understand that they are wasting their money on things that won't even help them be cool. What these kids really need to do with their lives is concentrate on the aspect of success in life because that is what I feel is the key to coolness in our society. I say this because in the world if you look at all of the famous people, actors, business tycoons, sports stars etc, they are all successful in their own lives which has made them cool to the outside world. So if you ask me what it takes to really become cool I will answer: "Once success is acquired the limits to coolness are endless".

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