Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HW # 26 Photos and Interviews.


#1. The definition of "Cool", what does it mean to you; what do you believe the meaning of it really is?

#2.How do you believe the average person tries to become cool or act cool?

#3.What type of archetypes do you think other people try to mold themselves into?

#4. What type of archetypes do YOU think you try to be in your life?

First Interviewee: My Pops

He answered the following by saying,

#1:"Thats a very good question... a person who has his life together, it says a lot about the person that they have goals and objectives that they want to achieve. I think thats a cool person, smart, and good morals. A person who has his life in order; you don't need a lot of words that's it. Ask your Mother..."

#2:"I just think its...how they become cool...I think its those things that you can't see..maybe the way you were brought up the things you do with your friends, home, school, extra after school activities, and your success in school. I think becoming cool is part of life, some people will be cool, some will be idiots you gotta have your life in order. You learn it from your family your grandparents and friends, the things you have experienced with them and learned from them. Being cool is having your live in order not being a follower."

#3: I think everyone wants to be successful, people would like to model themselves after a successful person. I wouldn't model myself after a popular person because it might not be a character you would want to be... if the kid could be failing in school. I would think most people would want to model themselves after being successful, there many different types of success. There could be the kid who is successful in school, successful at sports and successful with friends therefore very few kids want to model themselves after people who are failing. Tiger Woods and President Obama those are good role models because they have their lives together. There are bad role models and good role models; you've got to pick a role model who is going to give you success in life. You want people to want say wow I want to be him. It's the kids.... well some kids unfortunately who pick the wrong role models and have major issues and have a hard life. It's about decisions, make the right decisions, people who make the wrong decisions will fail in life; it doesn't matter who your role model is..... if you made the wrong decisions you're going to fail.

#4:Successful, like to me it says so much, a good person, do the right thing. Your role changes too as you get older, because as you get older people start to look up to you as a role model. I think now that I'm older I should be a role model for you, the people who are part of my organization..... I'm a role model for them, they watch how I act..... the things I say.... the things I do, how I act.... people watch me. So that's what I'm saying as you get older your role changes and you might be a role model to others. I had a teacher it didn't necessarily mean I liked him because he failed me, he always passed me in June with a 65 ....he was mean but I realized he was doing that for a reason. He wanted me to learn grammar and he knew I could do better and he wouldn't pass me until the last report card. I had him for 3 years in a row, I did like him he was a mean son of a gun but don't forget he did pass me in June so I didn't have to go to summer school because I really was a really good student. The 64 was a message to me I'm smarter than that, what he wanted me to do was work harder. Later on I learned why he did but I did like him, I always just thought he was a nut.
Second Interviewee:My Ma

She answered the following by saying,

1#: I believe cool is marching to the beat of your OWN drummer! THAT'S COOL!!

2#: The average person tries to gain "coolness" by being part of the "in" crowd. I don't agree with it but I believe it's part of reality. I also believe people are always trying to keep up with the Jones's... another sad reality. You can"t be who you aren't!!
No matter what! It catches up to you sooner or later!

3#: I will first start off with hoping that people try to mold themselves into all that they are, all that they're made of and all that they strive to be. I think all too often people try to emulate styles of notoriety and popularity without the tools that are necessary to tow the line. People need to be true to the themselves and all that they can be without putting on any false heirs.

#4: I think I try to be ethical, honest, and straight forward with respect for others. I also think you get out what you put into whatever you believe in. If it's hard work and a good work ethic that you strive for then you will earn positive self esteem knowing that you were true to yourself and others, understanding that life is not always fair and we all have to deal with the human element. It is however not always easy to stay strong and not fall prey to materialism and the pressures surrounding us in our daily lives. Keeping focused on our true ethical standards and practicing them daily will hopefully reinforce our stand on the truly important things in life.

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