Tuesday, January 12, 2010

HW 34 - The Cool Pose and Various Approaches to Life Rooted in Class, Race, Gender, Age, etc.

I feel that all of these patterns that people follow are solely based on what social atmosphere is around them. In other words what the people around you do to be cool in their own perspectives the person growing up with these people tends to follow and do the exact same technique to try to be accepted by the rest. You can't deny it because it's true for every culture in society, black, white, spanish, asian etc. Every society has an image of cool that is known to the masses of the society some images positive and some negative. It just depends on the choices the person makes that will define what he or she is gonna do in their lives follow the norm or go down their own path, (their own path being a different image of cool that isn't the image that their culture has pressed upon them).
In my own experience I guess I'm following my own white cultural image of cool. Me being a typical italian kid who plays sports gets good enough grades and follows what his family has taught to him to do in his future. What I mean by this is that my father in his younger years was a marine and when I was a little kid I always dreamed of being just like my father as a kid. As well as I got older my perspective changed a little to words what my brother did, a lacrosse player just as my brother was. So to basically sum it all up my own experiences are a great example of how people follow an image of what they believe to be cool. But as well as people progress in their own lives their images of cool constantly change depending on the people that they are surrounded by and chose to be influenced by. 
 Now the reasoning to support that the fact that people follow what they believe is to be cool from a young age and their own image of cool constantly changes based on the people they chose to be surrounded by is simple. Just look at young people in general and all of these stupid trends that they follow through out their lives, thats a great example. the reason being is that these kids jump back and fourth between old and new trends which they feel is cool at the time being. Then the next month or however long the kids will change their own out look of cool based on the other kids choices of cool that are around them in society. It's an ever changing cycle that will never change, these are my thoughts on the subject of cool which is also an ever changing topic.

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