Monday, October 26, 2009

HW # 15 ABCDEF Treasure Hunting

Dear Devin,

I believe that your arguments in your HW # 14 post about how the author is making an point that television has a larger passive effect on people then video games is well supported by the examples that you have displayed in your writing. In my opinion your best example that supports your claim is where you talk about the author describing in depth about the "multi threads going on" among the advanced and complicated television shows. When you quote the author on this I feel it's your most strongest point because you continue to back that point with even more information of the weak side of television shows. You go on about television shows that are so easy to comprehend with "two main characters and a conclusion that even a monkey can follow without any effort". As your adding your own thoughts and quotes form the author I feel that your first summing up of excerpt one was completed very nicely as well for your reaction to it in the third paragraph. This was what I thought was your strongest piece of your blog from HW # 14.
Brendan S.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

HW# 11 Self Experiment

What I chose to do for my self experiment was overload of digital technology. Specifically what I did was from when i got home on friday was play Xbox all through the night till about six or seven in the morning. So basically your classification of this was digital doubling. It affected me in a way that I suffered from severe fatigue and the desire to fall to the floor in a deep sleep. While playing online I discovered that the games actually did a outstanding job of keeping me awake which I'm guessing is the main reason why I was able to stay awake playing all night long. After experiencing this I can understand that being on a game all night is pretty much number one a waste of time and energy. I could of been sleeping and saving energy and woke up refreshed, but I had the complete opposite experience. Since I fell asleep at about seven am I ended up waking up around 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I felt like shit. Even though I have done this before when I was younger I did it again just for this experiment and now sort of regret it because it messed me up pretty bad for the soccer game I had the next day. But regardless it was a homework assignment and I had to get it done. Now that I'm older now I think I won't be doing this ever again because of the sleep deprivation it caused me the days after.
Brendan S.

Monday, October 5, 2009

HW# 6 Video Project

What were some of my thoughts while I watched my own video?
Well what was going through my head when I watched the video was basically me judging my self about the entire time. Specifically I was noticing how stupid I look while doing work on the computer and eating at the same time. As well I think I understand why older people see young people and adults whom are obsessed with digital technology as stupid. They see us as stupid based on the stereotype I'am showing here in my video, the kid staring at a screen constantly and typing or playing a game. I mean I know where they are coming from with the thought. They grew up in a different generation and all without our advanced digital technology and haven't experienced it enough to learn how to appreciate it, and use it to better there themselves. But I guess the past generation will always be complacent, ignorant, and disinterested in the nature of "our" state of the art preferred digital technology. These are all of the thoughts I could fathom from the question shown.

Brendan S.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Informal Internet Research HW#10

What i found the most interesting about this text was that the study found that when students played more aggressive video games they became more aggressive overtime especially if play for an amount of years. In a way I guess it makes sense because if all you see all day is bullets flying, people dying, and explosions going off your probable either going to get angry or scared which eventually turns into anger over time. Also what i did not find interesting was that both the students who played the violent and non-violent games were aggressive to each other when they played competitively because thats basic human nature. But after reading this article the most shocking thing i found out about the study was that females get more aggressive them males when playing video games in general.

What I found funny about this text that close to the beginning of it it says that it takes about 50 to 60 hours of intense concentration to finish a complete video game. But in my case for me it takes about 12 to 16 hours, so i guess I can concentrate a lot better then other people. And yet I wonder if this is normal? Now what I noticed which I thought was very intriguing was that the text gave reasons why video games were helpful to some people. For example people with ADD and ADHD the text said it helps these people concentrate a lot better which can help them in school as well as with coping with their disorder. Yet overall I can't see how video games would help kids concentrate in school because they are going to want to concentrate and work on the video game instead of school in retrospect not helping them with school at all. Until the board of Education decides to create a way to combine boring school and entertaining video games to make school equally as fun as a video game only then will these people with these disorders can be pushed to succeed.

Something that surprised me while reading this text was that games were used to train soldiers in the military to kill and that video games are the main cause of the epidemic of youth violence. I mean honestly I find it completely stupid that people can't control themselves to understand that a game is just a game not real life and that they have no reason to be violent to others easily for stupid reasons. Most people form my experience don't understand this and I absolutely hate it. Something else that I discovered after reading this text which was by far the most interesting was that the amount of female video game players is almost out numbering the amount of male players to this day because of that fact that most females are looking for an image to base themselves off of to cope with their problems in life.

-Brendan S.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

HW# 9 Video Project GHIJK

Again I could not complete this assignment because I didn't have my video posted in time because of me not having access to one. As well I don't know who is in my triangle group because I have not posted any video to be commented on to actually find out who my partners are. In the future for further assignments I will probably have a laptop and camera to do assignments like these. Also for future reference please tell me whom is in my groups before you want me to complete any assignments for you.
Brendan S.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

HW# 8 Triangle Partner Video Project.

Nobody commented on my video because I don't have one posted yet so I don't know who my triangle partners are or if I even had any. For future assignments can you please tell me whom they are so I can complete the assignments to there full extent. I'm
sorry for the inconvenience Mr. Synder.
Brendan S.