Monday, October 26, 2009

HW # 15 ABCDEF Treasure Hunting

Dear Devin,

I believe that your arguments in your HW # 14 post about how the author is making an point that television has a larger passive effect on people then video games is well supported by the examples that you have displayed in your writing. In my opinion your best example that supports your claim is where you talk about the author describing in depth about the "multi threads going on" among the advanced and complicated television shows. When you quote the author on this I feel it's your most strongest point because you continue to back that point with even more information of the weak side of television shows. You go on about television shows that are so easy to comprehend with "two main characters and a conclusion that even a monkey can follow without any effort". As your adding your own thoughts and quotes form the author I feel that your first summing up of excerpt one was completed very nicely as well for your reaction to it in the third paragraph. This was what I thought was your strongest piece of your blog from HW # 14.
Brendan S.

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