Monday, October 5, 2009

HW# 6 Video Project

What were some of my thoughts while I watched my own video?
Well what was going through my head when I watched the video was basically me judging my self about the entire time. Specifically I was noticing how stupid I look while doing work on the computer and eating at the same time. As well I think I understand why older people see young people and adults whom are obsessed with digital technology as stupid. They see us as stupid based on the stereotype I'am showing here in my video, the kid staring at a screen constantly and typing or playing a game. I mean I know where they are coming from with the thought. They grew up in a different generation and all without our advanced digital technology and haven't experienced it enough to learn how to appreciate it, and use it to better there themselves. But I guess the past generation will always be complacent, ignorant, and disinterested in the nature of "our" state of the art preferred digital technology. These are all of the thoughts I could fathom from the question shown.

Brendan S.

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