Thursday, October 8, 2009

HW# 11 Self Experiment

What I chose to do for my self experiment was overload of digital technology. Specifically what I did was from when i got home on friday was play Xbox all through the night till about six or seven in the morning. So basically your classification of this was digital doubling. It affected me in a way that I suffered from severe fatigue and the desire to fall to the floor in a deep sleep. While playing online I discovered that the games actually did a outstanding job of keeping me awake which I'm guessing is the main reason why I was able to stay awake playing all night long. After experiencing this I can understand that being on a game all night is pretty much number one a waste of time and energy. I could of been sleeping and saving energy and woke up refreshed, but I had the complete opposite experience. Since I fell asleep at about seven am I ended up waking up around 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I felt like shit. Even though I have done this before when I was younger I did it again just for this experiment and now sort of regret it because it messed me up pretty bad for the soccer game I had the next day. But regardless it was a homework assignment and I had to get it done. Now that I'm older now I think I won't be doing this ever again because of the sleep deprivation it caused me the days after.
Brendan S.

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